Monday, 8 May 2017

Refining Ideas

  • I made this grid to try and help me figure out the creatures I would be creating, It shows the combination of different animals and a few of their specific powers/values.
  • I was fairly confident with my character designs for LAND and AIR, A tiger - goat and a bat - eagle.
  • For the land creature I gave him a crown, power is one of the values of a tiger so I thought this could help to communicate that idea. Im also trying to portray value to animals in my project so it works.
  • Sure footedness and connection to the earth is another trait of the land creature - I want to demonstrate this by having him stood bold and proud with straight straight legs.
  • I liked the ideas of having a light bulb above the bats head, one of the key powers of the bat is new ideas, and the eagles is accessing higher knowledge - I thought the light bulb would represent this quite well.

  • This is the first properly refined sketch for the insect, I want it to be a mantis, scorpion and a fly, I think this will be an interesting combination - Im not sure on how to present this character and construct the figure.

  • I experimented with some symbols and icons that I could potentially use within my designs to help communicate powers/traits of the animals.
  • Power, Navigation, Immortality, Freedom, Balance, Ideas, Connection to the earth. I also looked at how I could symbolise the different environments the animals are from.

  • I visualised the characters within circle shapes, I thought this could be beneficial for when i'm applying them to products. It could be interesting displaying them within a badge.
  • I thought about what backgrounds or landscapes I could put behind each of the characters. I quite like the look of scenery in the back grounds - It works well for the land creature and the air creature but i'm not sure how I can make the others work.
  • I don't like the bird eye few of the insect - its doesn't go with the rest of the set that are forward facing.

  • These are some more refined versions of the insect and reptile.
  • I much prefer the insect drawn from this angle - it ties it in with the set better - having forward facing eyes, I will be able to make it look more characterful.
  • I tried out some more backgrounds - i'm still unsure about them, having totally different backgrounds could be unusual if i'm making a set of matching products.
  • I think I will develop the characters on their own first, and then figure out how I will apply them to backgrounds and other imagery afterwards.

  • Whilst thinking about backgrounds and imagery related to the creatures that could go around them. I had the idea to illustrate sheets of animals - drawing animals relevant to the different categories.
  • I could then turn these into repeat patterns or other arrangements of the animals - these could work really well as backgrounds behind my big characters.

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