I decided I was going to lino cut each of the characters, working through them one at a time. Refining the sketches and then cutting it into the lino - I wanted to print all of the linos in one go when I had them all cut.
I started with the land creature...
- I much prefer it with a longer neck and slightly smaller head - it makes him look like he standing taller and prouder which suites the characteristics. I also think it make it slightly more goat like which is good and emphasises the combination.
Final transfer sketch
Lino cut
The air creature...
- I was confident with the air creature, I gave him slightly longer pointy bird legs like a stork rather than an eagle.
Final transfer sketch
- I had to make his arms slightly shorter than in the roughs when fitting him in the square - I wanted the characters to be well balanced inside the square shape so that they would fit nicely within a circle logo or label.
Lino cut
The water creature...
- Figuring out the legs of the octopus was tricky, I wasn't sure how many to include. I tried out all different kinds of arrangements. Where 8 looked to crowded and 4 didn't look enough. I eventually discovered that 6 worked well and fitted to shape nicely.
- I wanted to try and keep the characters as consistent as possible, trying to have a similar amount of space used, and a similar amount of detail and pattern.
- I decided to put an angler fish light on top of his head, I felt it need something there. I tried out a shark fin but it didn't look right. I like how it reflects the light bulb above the bats head and the crown above the tiger/goat.
Final transfer sketch
Lino cut
- I had to produce a lot more quick rough sketches for the insect and for the water creature than the others - because im alot less used to the body shapes and structure of the creatures.
- For this one I used a picture of a scorpion to help get the body shape right, I then applied my triangular mantis head and also decided to give it some dragonfly wings instead of butterfly wings.
Balancing out the shape inside the square was more difficult with this one, its more mechanical and robotic and hard to balance centrally.
Final print
The reptile...
- I was confident with the figure for this one, I made the tail stretch right over and dangle in front of his head - mimicking the angler fish light on the water creature.
Final transfer sketch
- I approached the lino cutting in a similar way to 504, having the basic structure and shapes layed out, and then figure out the pattern and details as I go, working into the different shapes with lines and dots.
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