Sunday, 7 May 2017

Animal Totems

The definition of a TOTEM is - "a natural object or animal that is believed by a particular society to have spiritual significance and that is adopted by it as an emblem."

I researched into animal spirits and animal totems, there are loads of websites that have information about animal powers and meaning, as a way to help people discover or make a connection with their spirit animal.

There are many different ways to find your spirit animal:
  • Meditation
  • Going in nature and observing
  • Calling the animal
  • Process of self-inquiry
  • Writing about it in your journal
  • Imagination
  • Journeying with sound
These are a few methods among many used to find the animal or animals you have a special connection with.
Animals are omnipresent in our lives whether they are pets or live in the wild, yet we often lack a clear understanding of their symbolic nature and what they could mean. When we relate to the spirit of animals, they may offer us powerful insight.
In the world of spirit animals, animals can symbolize:
  • Aspects of your personality
  • Skills or traits that we have cultivated successfully or have yet to develop
  • A situation or emotions that have recently arisen
  • Spirit animals can also offer guidance, an intuitive understanding

The different types of animal totems are split up into 5 different sections, they help to separate the different values of the spirit animals, before finding your individual spirit animal you would figure out which of these categories fits you best :


Key powers/values I took from each category:

Air - Assists us in higher knowledge, Ethereal (delicate & light), Understands the airs invisible ways, Closest to the heavens, Allies to the sky gods, Mental and physical strength, Sovereignty, "A wink from god", New transitions
Reptiles/Amphibians - Cold blooded nature, Changing with surroundings - key symbol for adaption, Dependent on surroundings, Never slaves to external conditions, super intuitive and fiercely independent. 
Land/Earth - Intuition, Awareness, Cognizance, Being grounded and stable mentally and physically, "Feel mothers earths heart beat"
Water - Can be a powerful symbol in itself - Cleansing, Freedom and mobility, Universal expression of the unconsciousness, Hidden thoughts and actions, Bright and playful character, Live with no limits.
Insect - Tenacity, Grip, Determined, Persistance, Patience, Detachment, Minding your own buissness (unaware or surroundings), very strong community, Progressive and proactive (busy), Adapt well to environments, Never lets things get in the way of progression.

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