Thursday, 17 May 2018

Project Report

Im pleased with the selection of briefs that I chose for extended practice, I feel like they let me experiment with a diverse range of skills. At the start of the year I think I intended to work with mainly large scale mural based briefs, so i'm pleased that I tackled a range of different small scale printed briefs as well within this modular. Ways of applying my illustrations to different products is the most valuable and practical bit of learning that took place in the module. How I can work with different tools and process to achieve different visual outcomes, and what skills are appropriate to apply to the different tasks. Good practice for me within certain briefs was working around specific themes and looking at how I could communicate specific subjects within my illustrations, like the cactus themed mural, the outdoors screen print for add life and the selling sustainability live drawings. Engaging with topics within my designs was really beneficial to my overall illustration practice and has given me more confidence when needing to work with themes / topics outside of my usual interests. I can easily get stuck around working only within my own interests so working on briefs outside of my chosen themes has helped me gain confidence. Learning ways in which I can apply my known illustrations techniques and process too different kinds of visual subjects - this has helped me realise how I can apply my skills in a more diverse way. I find it tricky to decide on a brief / project that has been my overall favourite, each briefs have different strengths and weaknesses. Things like the 'Add.Life and Explore' and the 'Selling Sustainability' have easily been my most informative and subjective briefs. They involved a lot more development at early ideas stages to ensure they for-filled there purpose. Where as on the other hand my large scale commissions / murals and my experimental paintings didn't involve as much technical thinking as the other briefs but involved lots of experimentation with application of medias. I found these projects easily the most enjoyable, I feel at home with my practice when working with spray paint in this way. But the actual imagery within the designs are not as technically challenged as some of my other work. Aesthetically I am least happy with the flyer designs, but it was beneficial to work on them to figure out how event illustration could potentially become a big part of my professional practice. Seeing how my illustration designs could become part of clothing brand has been really useful for me and has given me good ideas for my future practice. Overall my biggest personal achievement throughout extended practice was gaining the amount of payed commission work that I did. It was good to get a proper sense of the sorts of work I would find my self working on the illustration industry. This module has been a good practice to lead me into my own line of work, and realise how to advertise and promote myself professionally.

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