Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Extended Practice - '24 Hour Garage Girls' Event Flyer

I was commission again by a 'Proper Sound' event in leeds for another flyer for their next upcoming event in leeds. It was a garage, baseline and hiphop night so I wanted to involve dancing and party themes within the design. Drawing things like speakers, a character on the mic, and characters with their hands n the air.
A well known group that are headlining at the event is '24 Hour Garage Girls'. So I though it would be a good idea to base the overall aesthetic on them. I don't usually use female features within my character design so I wanted to experiment with some funky lady figures and faces.

This is a picture of the garage girls at boom town festival - they are well known for dancing on a car so I thought about involving this in my drawing.

First rough ideas:

  • I experimented with making another drippy spray paint texture background for the flyer similar to my previous 'Twisted Roots' flyer design. I used vibrant pink, purples and yellows to try and emphasise the garage girl theme.

  • I was getting quite involved with applying the female features to my character designs so I ended up doing an experimental large scale painting. I did this purley for fun and too help me get used to working with the female characters.
  • I was pleased with the painting but I don't think its quite appropriate to use on the flyer designs - I dont think it would work as well when made digital and printed out at a smaller scale - there also needed to be room for text/logos to go around the design.
  • After doing this painting I wasn't feeling as confident about including the car I wanted to focus in on a face for the artwork side. 
Final outlines...

  • Design for the line up side of the flyer.

  • Face design for the artwork side of the flyer and the banner.
I work in collaboration with the same graphic designer to complete the finished flyers - this time I didn't let him have any in put on the artwork, I completed and coloured all the designs how I wanted, leaving room for all the text and logos and then sent them over too him to apply the typography and choose a font.

Final banners...

Final Flyer...

  • Im pleased with the finished designs, I like the colour scheme I think it works really well with the theme of the event.
  • Im in 2 minds with how I feel about the typography on the line up, i'm unsure about the font - I personally would have chosen a less simple and boring typeface to fit with the rest of the design. But I guess the designer has chosen a font that is easy to read and delivers the information clearly over the illustrations. 
  • I think problems like this will always occur when collaborating on quick turn around briefs, when other people have influence on the final design it can feel like they have ruined it or just not quite executed in the way that I would, which can be frustrating. Im just pleased that all the illustration and artwork was under my control.

Printed flyers and posters...

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