Visual Narrative - Tell an untold story - Storyboarding
- I started by breaking down my story into 6 simple frames.
- I picked out some of my favourite scenes from my previous drawings and experimented with how to order them.
- I tried putting the broken gate in my first frame, I feel like this works well as a first frame. It is a good way to introduce the viewer to book. Also works well with the character looking towards it. Looks as if he is tempted to walk through it but is not supposed to.
- The frame where he spots security I am unsure about. I don't like him looking down at them. It messes up the perspective of the book. I feel like the perspective and skyline should be similar in all pages for concertina to be effective?
- Drawing it as a concertina helped me visualise how the pages will lead into one another.
- I wanted to make it obvious that the character was alone walking around at first. This will be done by using the right perspective. Having the character in the distance in an open landscape works well to do this.
- I wasn't sure how I was going to make the encounter with security work effectively in my story.
- I needed it to be obvious that Im hiding from them.
- I think I might make it so that the security guards sees me and then I run. This will make it more exciting and also make the encounter more interactive with more happening.
- I prefer the look of my character crouched down on the ground behind a barrier, rather than looking down at the security.
- Drawing someone jumping over a gate is difficult. I wanted it to be a mid - motion image where the characters is on top of the gate. Swinging his legs over.
- Drawing quick gestured lines helped me understand how the shape of the body will be.
- I practiced how my character will look. I feel like the atmosphere will be more effective if the face of my character is never seen - adding to the mysteriousness of the place.
- (bottom) This sequence is my favourite so far. The way that the buildings are spread across multiple pages is effective and creates continuos scene.
- I drew a line across the centre of the pages and used this as the horizon line for each page.
- I like this continuous image but I need to make sure the pages still work as singles/doubles.
- I want to re-create this sequence in a bigger mock - up book design.
- This was a quick thought of having dashed lines to show the movement of me running away.
- This could work but i'd have to see it in the full scene to tell properly.
- I like some of the angles and view points in these roughs.
- A view from behind the character slightly to the side looks effective.
- I practised drawing running motion, I wanted the motion to be exciting and exaggerated.
- I fing drawing someone mid - run really difficult to get right. Drawing it in these gestures helped me a little bit but I still need to get a shape I'm happy with.
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