Friday, 8 January 2016

Visual Narrative - One week book

Ideas & Development:

  • Our idea as a group was to illustrate our journey through leeds.
  • Picking out the key places because we where limited to the amount of pages .
  • After realizing alot of the most interesting places we went to where market stalls, we decided to make our book themed around market stalls.
  • There where six pages and 5 of us so we decided to chose a market stall each, making the chestnut mans portable stall a double page in the middle of the book.
  • We wanted to characterize the market stalls, draw them in a way that exagerated them.
The market stall I wanted to re-create was the crystal stall. Whilst at the market stall I could really imagine the women as a whitch with all her crystals dangling down around her, and the table in front of her with different types of crystals.

Because the design was being screen printed I had to think about the line work in a different way. It had to be simpified and more shape based.
  • We could only use two colours for the screen print, we chose orange and turquise, they work well together and using a light and darker colour will be effective because the turquose will print on top of the orange.
  • We also deided to put matching squared banner and table that is the same size in our designs to link them together as market stalls.

  •  We needed to seperate the different colours of our designs on to indervidual pieces of acetate in order to screen print.
  • I needed to work out what will be orange and what will be turquoise.

  • I practiced drawing the different colours onto seperate pieces of acetate.
  • This really helped me get my head around how the design would pull together. 
  • We decided to use a 'china marker' to produce the layers. This is because they give a nice texture and are also bold and will be clear when transfered onto a screen.
  • I used pencil to repressent the orange and pen to repressent the turquoise. 
  • I really liked using simple shapes overlapping each other to repressent the different crytals in the sections of the table.
  • We decided for the front and back cover we would put a symbol/icon from each of the market stalls and have them spread across.
  • This was my favorite design and best icon design. I will trace over this design for my final screen print. I like how my character fills the page and the composotion of everything else around it. I think it has good balance.

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