Visual Journalist - Project Outline
Ideas for my book so far:
- The theme and possibly title for my book is going to 'camelot' the abandoned theme park.
- It is going to be someone (me) exploring the abandoned park. At some point in the book I will bump into the security guards and run off.
- The book will consist of different scenes from the theme park, ones that are atmospheric and exciting.
- I want to achieve an erie and derelict atmosphere with my illustrations. I will do this by studying how the decaying buildings and overgrown area creates a ghostly and forgotten feeling, and look how this can be made present in my drawings.
- There wasn't specific dimensions for our book so it could be approached in a number of ways. A concertina book was an option for us. I feel this could be a really effective for my theme if done correctly. Because my book will be about showing the area and buildings as well as what happened. Seeing it as a long continuous scene might be effective.
- To develop my ideas further I need to explore ways of using media to communicate abandoned and derelict landscapes and buildings. Also how I will apply colour to achieve this. Yellow is starting to work well to give a ghostly feel. What other colours might work well?
- My book will be about exposing the forgotten the forgotten theme park. There is a while town of interesting buildings hidden behind decay and overgrown surroundings.
- My friend took this picture of me walking away from him. This triggered the idea for a character to be in my story. I like the look of the jacket and the hood up. It could create a mysterious character suitable for my them.
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