Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Ink drawings - Visual Language


We we're asked to find our own reference image from a book and draw it a number of times using black ink and water with no colour.

Im pleased this image, it doesnt repressent the photograph well but has a characterful appearance to it. I used thick gestural lines to outline the basic shapes, then added smaller details with finer lines.

This drawing was the most representational and accurate. This was becuase I had drawn it a number of times before and understood the proportion of the image. I then added light secions of tone using watered down ink.

 I looked at a second reffernce image:

 I produced this image useing teqnigues that worked best in my previous dawings. I made basic outlines with thick bold gestural lines, but then added mark making and face shape with thinner lines, being much more careful than the bold lines.


We then did observational drawings of plants that we brought into college.



I found drawing using ink made me produce lines in a different way. I was unable to work into the lines as much as pencil, so this ment I had to be direct and confident with where I placed them. Drawing the same image a number of times helped me understand it and capture it acuratly. I found a combination of bold heavy lines worked well with smaller delicate lines. 

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